Lawrence County Tourism Commission

PO Box 267, Louisa, Kentucky

Lawrence County Parks

Pleasant Ridge Park - located just adjacent to the Yatesville Lake State Park Campground and the Pleasant Ridge Boat Launching Ramp. The secluded, rustic park is located approximately 10 miles southwest of Louisa-take US 23 to KY Route 3215 to the park entrance. Pleasant Ridge offers a miniature golf course, basketball court, and ball field. Rental cabins and 3 picnic shelters are available. There is a conference center which can accommodate 75 people. Future plans include the addition of RV camping and primitive tent camping and a wildlife center. There is easy access to Yatesville Lake. For more information call the Pleasant Ridge Park at 606-673-1166.

Lawrence County Park Video

Lawrence County Park 2014 Rate List

Photos of the Lawrence County Park Area
Lawrence County Park
Lawrence County Park Cabin
Anthor Cabin at the Lawrence County Park
Lawrence County Park Office
Lawrence County Park
Lawrence County Park Outdoor stage Area
Lawrence County Park Cabin
Lawrence County Park Cabin Number 2
Lawrence County Park
Another Cabin at the Lawrence County Park
Playground Area for the kids at the Lawrence County Park
A picture of the Lake from the Park Area

Kentucky Unbridled Spirit

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